About STANYS Western

The Science Teachers Association of New York State (STANYS) promotes excellence in science education and works with educators and communities to provide opportunities for all students to participate in and learn science. We believe in student-centered education that excites and invites participation by all students. We work to identify and promote exemplary programs and effective teaching practices based on tested research and to model new programs off key findings.

We believe in student-centered education that excites and invites participation by all students. We work to identify and promote exemplary programs and effective teaching practices based on tested research and to model new programs off key findings.

We strive for collaborative/partnership relationships with other professional and community organizations to build strong communication networks that are maintained through newsletters, telecommunications, and other publications.

The Western Section serves teachers and students in Erie and Wyoming Counties. We welcome all teachers Pre-K through college level, and preservice teachers.

What will STANYS membership mean for you?

  • Networking with innovative educators locally and statewide
  • Updates on current news and resources for NYSSLS
  • Access to science specific professional development opportunities and discounts on conference

Meet Our Board of Directors for Western Section

Cheryl Aldrich, Chair/Director 1
Annette Miller, Vice Chair/Director 2
Diane Kessler, Secretary
Katie Agen, Treasurer
Rob Wardwell, SAR Biology
Sara Wells, SAR Chemistry
Dave Henry, SAR Colleges
Samantha Stone, SAR Earth Science
Diane Kessler, SAR Elementary
Rae Zimmerman, SAR Intermediate
Alan Baczkiewicz, SAR Intermediate
Dan MacIssac, SAR Physics
Sandi George, Co-SAR Physics
Melissa Sudivy, SAR Applied Science
Vacant, Retirees
Vacant, Special Ed
Melissa Elliot, Membership Liaison
Ryan Sajdak, Webmaster
Melissa Jenkins, Social Director
Susan Sullivan, At-Large
Lowell Sylwester, At-Large
Kathaleen Burke, At-Large
Tim Coughlin, At-Large